Hey guys, this is Bee Lee speaking, the super-cool-and-unbelievable boy. Ok, just ignore what I've said there. Anyway, since this is the first post, after about 2 months since the day this blog was started, I should probably post up some important things. Right, here goes:
We, the members of the Interact Club,
pledge to serve the school and community,
We pledge to uphold and maintain
the integrity of our club
by rendering our commitment
and dedication
to a united course
We pledge to take heed the needs of
our school and community
Putting service above self
To act with love
And honour the Interact code of conduct
with utmost sincerity
Oh let the hands of friendship
Be stretched across the sea
To bring mankind together
In one fraternity
May love and understanding
Prevail in one and all
May brothers come to brothers
To answer duties call
We're faithful Interactors
Prepared to play our part
To serve with love the needy
With an understanding heart
Let not your feet be lagging
So come and join our throng
Let's fill this world together
With friendship's happy song
I apologise if I have made any mistake in the pledge and the song. Correct me if there are any, ya?
OK, more important things. Orientation Day will be on the 28th of February. Attendance is compulsary. Installed members, please help out. Registration will start at 7.15am.
You are to wear T-shirt with the school logo on it. It is recommended, though, to wear your house t-shirt (No, I don't mean T shirt from your home, I mean your sports house's T-shirt). Girls, you are prohibited from wearing white school T-shirt. Interact T-shirt can also be worn.
For the can rings project, please collect as much as possible and pass it to Megan by 18/2/09 (the second official meeting).
You'll be surprised what those little rings are capable of. They can help someone to walk again.
Registration fees (RM30), please pay to Wei Ling, the Treasurer.
Lastly, for the Signature Drive, you are not allowed to collect signatures during lesson. It's never good to bug teachers when they are teaching. Keep that in mind! Oh, be sure to know the pledge and the song before you collect signatures. To be on the safe side, you should also know a little about the club too.